P'Co Design
P'Co Design crafts stories and ideas into tangible experiences.
We work in the real world to create spatial experiences that people love, share and remember. We blend the sensory opportunities of the physical with the responsive connection of the digital.
Our work brings people together to have fun, explore ideas and connect with knowledge, culture and communities.
Everyone has a story, let's tell yours!
Planning &
P'Co can assist in quickly assembling, organising and visualising ideas and inspiration. Working with a designer early can help you explore opportunities, define boundaries and develop a project vision that is both specific and inspirationally open. Design can also help to maintain a clear focus on audience and end-user experience during the preliminary phases of planning a complex project.
P'Co can help you...
Define your vision
Investigate opportunities
Question assumptions
Consider boundaries
Anticipate complexities
Understand your audience
Identify a team
Develop a pitch
Concept Design,
Prototyping & Development,
Manufacture & Installation,
Evaluation &...
Design is the gradual resolution of detail.
With creative and considered application it's capable of revealing a better and brighter reality than you may have initially imagined.
Good design balances passion and pragmatism to navigate the complexities of translating intangible ideas and inspiration into the physical realm. Analysis, insight and agility are all central to the design process and help ensure the final resolution resonates with the audience. Utilise design thinking early and often to consider both the big picture and the granular detail of any project.
Whether you're dreaming BIG or small, we'd love to hear from you and discuss how we might collaborate to design and realise your vision.
P'Co can help you...
Develop a Design Brief
Ideate and brainstorm
Resolve content & connection
Generate Concept and presentations
Prototype, test & evaluate
Develop a Design
Document the Design for presentation and build.
Oversee and guide manufacture
Assist in installation & commissioning
Contribute to evaluation and measure of success​
Creative projects can be all-consuming and sometimes your design team needs another creative mind to bounce ideas off, to share the load, or provide a skill set that the team is missing. P'Co can help. With extensive experience designing and documenting exhibitions, installations, and environments within diversely skilled teams, we can hit the ground running and quickly provide assistance or help resolve roadblocks.
If you're a digital studio, P'Co can bring a solid physical 3D design and manufacturing skill set along with a thorough understanding of audiences' spatial behaviour and interaction with tangible objects.
P'Co can contribute to your team on an hourly, weekly or project basis.
P'Co can...
Provide independent design input to project preliminaries.
Provide creative input to any stage of the design process.
Contribute to design and creative workshops.
Assist your design team when over capacity.
Provide advice and guidance on design for museums and public spaces.